Sunday, April 19, 2009


I just realized how backwards I am on the blog posts.

I will be graduating in May 2009, which is next month, with a Bachelor's Degree in Applied Science (Applied Chemistry) with Honors. I was never certain on what I wanted to do in the future. I have been struggling since primary school when they start asking you to write compositions on your future ambitions.

Since they started asking about my ambition, I had so many ambitions or rather experiences, I will call it, that I hope to be able to do. I had wanted to be a fireman, bouncer, construction worker, so many that I can't recall now and even a beach bum. Alright, the most recent one being a doctor, possibly a plastic surgeon under the influence of Nip/Tuck.

I wouldn't call them as jobs because it would almost be sad to call them jobs. I believe in calling them an experience. A job is, in my opinion, boring, laborious and something you dread to do. I hope that I don't give my future employer the idea that I am not serious on my job and just a job hopper using this "experience" theory of mine as an excuse to change jobs.

On a serious note, I do play sports. Strangely, I represented my primary, secondary and junior college schools in basketball, soccer and rugby respectively. I also played for the varsity rugby team previuosly and I am also currently involved in a rugby club that plays in the national league. You could say that its an experience to play so many sports at the different levels. With that, I also believe that I am a team player.

Finally, I want to end by announcing my decision on the job that I will settle in after I graduate. I hope to be able to do research in Chemistry. For the past one year that I have laboriously worked myeslf down in the lab and just finally got my target compound, I can safely say that I want to carry on being a lab rat. The satisfaction was overwhelming and I am ready to experience it all over again.


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